

Defines a bucket within the storage.
Example Use.
resource "clouparduz_storage_bucket" "mybucket" {
 storage_id = clouparduz_storage.storage_test.id
 name = "mybucket"
 note = "bucket1 on mystorage"
# класс хранилища - тёплое
 storage_class_id = var.storage_warm
# анонимный доступ: только чтение
 anonymous_access_type = 1
 move_into_commercial_mode_on_test_out = false
# версионирование: выключено
 versioning = false
  • storage_id (Required): Associated storage ID.
  • name  (Required): Name of the bucket.
  • note  (Computed, Optional): Additional note for the bucket.
  • storage_class_id  (Required): ID of the storage class.
  • max_size_in_bytes  (Computed, Optional): Maximum size limit for the bucket.
  • anonymous_access_type  (Computed, Optional): Access type for anonymous users.
0 – none
1 – read
2 – read and write
7. move_into_commercial_mode_on_test_out  (Computed, Optional): Flag to move to commercial mode after test.
8. versioning  (Computed, Optional): Flag for versioning support. False or True
9. id (Computed): Unique identifier for the bucket.